Friday, July 31, 2009

United In Prayer.... Keep Praying Keep Believing

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. Palm 111:10

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen Galatians 1:3-5

Thank you from each of the family members of Elizabeth, Alex and Dax, our AML M7 kiddo's all in ICU at this time, for the special prayer night last night for each of these children. Each of these babies are so sick right now and need your continued prayers. Each family, whose link is on our page under "Our Friends" need your encouragement too. Each and every comment left in their guestbook is a treasure and a reassurance that they are not alone. It is such a comfort for them to know people whom they do not even know, have heard about their child through one source or another and are praying for them. You can be a part of this comfort to each family. I did not get to join you here last night, but I had calls from several telling me it was a blessing and a great time spent in prayer for the kids. We had a big family & friends circle of prayer including the families of the kids last night during this time in the ICU waiting room. We all joined in a big circle, held hands and shared prayer together. It was very touching and uplifting. Again, another example of how these families bond together and support each other.

Alex, had his BMA this morning. I have not heard any of any results from this yet. Please keep praying for these results to come back showing infection not leukemia. I just can't imagine how this waiting time must be the most stressful time ever. Please keep praying for them to find peace and comfort in Him while they are waiting for these results. Many of the extended family members arrived in Memphis yesterday, and there are more traveling today. Please keep them and their safe travel in your prayers too. Lord, we ask for You to protect and heal Alex from this terrible disease. Free him from his pain and make his body whole and healthy again Lord, if it be Your will. In Christ Name, Amen.

Elizabeth is holding her own, not much change from what I have heard this morning. Please keep praying for her healing and for her brain to recover to normal. Father, please be with Elizabeth and her family as they take one day at a time and wait on You Lord. They patiently wait for Your timing and ask that You heal Elizabeth so she can show Your power to all of the many people whose lives have been touched by her and the faith of her family. Be with them,
Lord. In Christ Name, Amen.

I have not heard anything on Dax today. I did add his link to our list of "Our Friends" yesterday, so you can now go to his site from here to keep up with him. Lord, we just ask that You hold Dax in Your loving arms, and give him the healing that so many are praying for. We just ask that You will be with him, his family and all of the teams of doctors who are taking care of these kids. We pray that they will make the best decisions on how to best treat the kids to cure them from their cancer and to have no ill side effects from the treatment. In Christ Name, Amen.

Mallerie was having several test and biopsy's being done today. Keep her in your prayers, she is in quite a bit of pain and just not feeling well at all. They are trying to get to the root of her problems to determine how to treat her and get her back to her normal health. She is just such a sweet girl and it is so heartbreaking to see her feel so bad. Lord, we pray Your healing hands on Mallerie, restore her good health and let her return home to her friends and family. Be with her family as they take care of her, give them comfort. Lord, we love You and we know You can heal each of these kids, if it be Your will. In Christ Name, Amen.

PLEASE KEEP PRAYING... for all of the kid's. I will post updates during the day if I hear of any changes or results from any of the test being done today.

Hug your own babies, regardless of what age. Our children are one of our greatest blessings, treasure them, love them and hold them close in your heart. The most important thing you can do for them (In my opinion) is to pray for them each and every day.


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