Friday, March 26, 2010

Busy Week Again!

Let me see where to begin...

Heather and Terri were here the first part of the week and I am very happy to report that Heather went back home with an ALL CLEAR! WooHoo! I got to meet up with them along with Michelle Dunford and Dr. Sara for lunch before they had to go home. Heather selected Outback Steak house and I must say she had excellent taste in her choice of restaurants. Our lunch was delicious. Michelle and her family had just returned from a trip to Texas for Spring Break. Her boys are busy boys, involved in running track and school. They keep her pretty busy. Dr. Sara, I don't think I have told this yet, but it is definitely not a secret anymore... found out that ONE of her Two babies she is carrying is a girl. Yes, she is going to have a baby... two babies in fact!!! One was not in a cooperating mood, so she was only able to find out that one is a girl and the other is keeping it a secret for now. She and her husband are so excited. I can't wait to meet the new twins, but we have to wait a while longer. Congratulations to Dr. Sara!

Little Trevor came in on Tuesday night, I was able to pick them up after they arrived and make a late trip to Chili's for dinner and fun with the Chili's gang. As always, that was a really fun time for Trevor. He had his treatment on Wednesday, it was late by the time they got started, so they had to stay over and go back on Thursday. He is doing great! Your prayers are working, so they ask that you keep them going up. He will be back in two weeks.

Jack got to spend a long extended weekend at home-home and returned to Memphis yesterday. He will go inpatient tomorrow for his last FINAL round of big chemo!!!! WooHoo, way to go Jack!!!! I know they are so excited to get to this point. He had a CT scan today and it was ALL CLEAR! He had a Pet Scan too, but those results are not back yet. Please be praying for that to be an ALL CLEAR as well. Please pray that his last round of chemo goes well with no major side effects.

Alex V will be coming in on Sunday for some test and check up. Check out her CB page, Joan explains what is going on right now. She can use our prayers, she is having quite a bit of pain and has been having some test run to try to determine the source of the pain. She will also be going to Shepards Center in Atlanta for some rehab. You can get the details on her page. I don't want to mis-quote. Please pray that she will begin to feel better and be able to make the trip to Memphis on Sunday.

Ariel and the Reynolds Clan will be coming in on Monday for Ariel's check up and appointments. She has not felt to good the past few days, hopefully she will be feeling better soon. She and Amber will be celebrating their 17th birthday on Monday, March 29th. Please go to Ariel's site and leave them a happy birthday message. We plan to go out for birthday dinner after they get here on Monday evening. Happy Birthday Ariel and Amber!!!

I just looked back up at what I have typed and realized how much eating is going on in this post!!!! And I am trying to lose some weight!!!! Oh well, it's great to be able to visit with everyone.

Thank you for your prayers and very kind words through text, calls and messages for Tyler. God is good, he is perfectly fine after his auto accident this past Saturday. While the body shop is telling us the car is a total, we have not yet heard the official word from the insurance company. Therefore, we are just waiting and most likely will have to spend the week next week shopping for a vehicle. Prayers of praise and thanksgiving for God protecting him and the other people involved in the accident.

That is about all I know for today. Thank you for checking in and keeping up with the St Jude kiddo's and their families. Please continue to keep the prayers and messages going.

I do want to say that (yesterday now) was the one year anniversary since sweet ^^Mary Kate^^ went to heaven. My heart has been so heavy all day today for Regina, Alyson and their family. ^^Mary Kate^^ is certainly missed and loved even more today that yesterday, Our prayers are with Regina and Alyson.

Enjoy your weekend. Spend some time in prayer :)


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